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security coffeehouse

Like the famous French salons, London's coffeehouses of the 17th and 18th centuries  provided a public sphere outside the formality of court society for discussion and debate. Talk about the latest news of the day and other matters of mutual concern were discussed. In Oxford the coffeehouses would charge a penny admission, and were known as penny universities.


Security coffeehouse aims to bring that same informal, relaxed atmosphere to modern discussions on security. The goal is to bring together perspectives from all subdomains of security, whether physical or electronic, and from all levels of expertise from beginner to experts.


A topic is set out for discussions and anyone can sign up as either an audience member or panellist. The details of the topic will only be announced shortly before the event, after the panel has been selected. Panellists are selected randomly from those who volunteer for each event, and may rotate from the audience to the panel depending on how the discussion progresses.


After the initial questions are covered, attendees will be scattered into breakout rooms to discuss the discussion and raise more questions during a short intermission before we reconvene for a followup.


Sessions will be run on Zoom webinar, and the main discussion will be streamed and recorded. Attendees are asked to make a small voluntary donation if they are able to assist with running and admin costs for the events. There is no sponsorship plan, and any requests for sponsorship or product endorsement will be refused. We ask that all attendees and panelists attend only in the spirit of open discussion and discovery around security, and reserve the right to ban anyone who goes against this.


This is an informal event, dress code is only required in so much as public decency requires, and both panellists and attendees are encouraged to have a drink in hand (non-alcoholic drinks are fine).


Your details will be used only to contact you with regards to this first event and will not be sold or used for any other purpose without your explicit and informed consent.

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